Extract from The Star (19/06/10)
A proposal is in the works for vacant possession and strata title to be issued simultaneously, said Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Chor Chee Heung.
The ministry is working with the Natural Resources and Environ-ment Ministry to look into the amendments to allow for the proposal to be implemented.
It will involve the amendment of several Acts, including the Housing Development Act and the Strata Title Act. “Under the proposal, housing developers will have to apply for strata titles once the structure of a building is completed. “One hundred days after the app-lication is made, strata titles will have to be issued,” he told reporters after the post-Cabinet meeting at his ministry yesterday.
He added that currently, many owners who intended to sell their flat, apartment or condominium unit would have to do so with their deed of assignment instead of a strata title. “Many of them do not even get their strata titles after the application fees have been paid, as some housing developers have disappeared after collecting the money,” he said.
Currently, he said 800 housing schemes had yet to receive their strate titles. On crime prevention, one of the National Key Result Areas handled by the ministry, Chor said 496 closed-circuit television cameras (CCTVs) would have been installed in areas under 25 local governments by August for security purposes. “The CCTVs will be installed in hotspots where the crime index is high,” he said. He said the cost of the installation and maintenance of the CCTVs for the next five years was RM59mil.
On another matter, Chor said 644 bus stops under seven local authorities had been upgraded to be more disabled-friendly. On the unification of business and advertising licences for sundry shopowners, he said the ministry was still looking into the matter.
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